Monday, April 14, 2008

OpsMgr SP1 Installation: Bug(s) Part 1

OpsMgr SP1 Bug(s):
After upgrading to SP1 in a clean environment with 1 RMS, 2MS, 1GS, and no agents deployed, I recieved several alerts in the console. Here's the alerts encountered and how to handle them:


Performance Module could not find a performance counter


In PerfDataSource, could not find counter OpsMgr DW Writer Module, Total Error Count, All Instances in Snapshot. Unable to submit Performance value. Module will not be unloaded. One or more workflows were affected by this. Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.CollectionRule.Performance.Writer.TotalErrorCount Instance name: ManagmentServer1.domain.local Instance ID: {3F1346DF-E205-4888-CAEF-9FEFA093A3FD} Management group: ManagmentGroup1

Resolution: Long story short, this is a bug. The problem is mentioned by numerous people in the OpsMgr newsgroups confirmed that it happened for them as well. A Microsoft developer confirmed it was a bug & has submitted it to the appropriate parties in MS. In the mean time the best approach is to temporarily disable the rule "Performance Data Source Module could not find a performance counter".


SDK SPN Not Registered


The System Center Operations Manager SDK service failed to register an SPN. A domain admin needs to add MSOMSdkSvc/RootManagementServer01 and MSOMSdkSvc/RootMangementServer01.domain.local to the servicePrincipalName of Domain\SDKactionaccount

Resolution: What's happening here is the domain account that the SDK service is running as is trying to update it's SPN every time the service is restarted. Domain accounts do not by default have permissions to update their SPN. The best way to get around this is to grant the SDK action account the rights it needs to update it's SPN.

Kevin Holman's blog confirms this and provides the step-by-step walk through to fix it:

  • Run ADSIEdit as a domain admin.
  • Find the SDK domain account, right click, properties.
  • Select the Security tab, click Advanced.- Click Add. Type “SELF” in the object box. Click OK.
  • Select the Properties Tab.
  • Scroll down and check the “Allow” box for “Read servicePrincipalName” and "Write servicePrincipalName
  • Click OK. Click OK. Click OK.
  • Restart your SDK service – if AD has replicated from where you made the change – all should be resolved.


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